Thank you for your interest in The Frum Books Newsletter! I’m eager to promote great books and would love to hear about your upcoming or new releases.
Please take a minute to go through my reviewing guidelines before reaching out. If you’re unsure if your book is a good fit, I recommend getting a feel for what I review by looking at the newsletter archive.
Genres I’m open to reviewing
Adult fiction
YA/teen fiction
Popular nonfiction, including narrative, biography, memoir, and essay
Middle grade chapter books
What I do not review
Hashkafa, Halacha, or self-help
Children's picture books
Books that do not fit the hashkafa of the majority of my subscribers
Books that are not relevant to the majority of my subscribers’ interests
(I do make exceptions when I feel a book is cross-genre or has wider reach than its genre, but would need a very good reason to do that.)
Things to note
I will only review a book I feel I can honestly recommend. Acceptance of a review copy does not guarantee a review.
I prefer physical review copies. A mailed printout of your proof can work, too. (I live in the US.) I will be pickier about reading digital/pdf versions.
My review and interview calendar is set a while in advance, and I like to share fresh content with my subscribers. This means I want to know about your upcoming release before it’s published and appreciate as much advanced notice as possible. This also lets me share your book in a book news segment that can help get the word out and get readers excited.
Think your book is a good fit?
You can contact me at
Remember to include as much information about the book as you can, as well as the expected release date/month.