hi i really enjoy books by the authors riva pomernatz,devorah weiner,esty heller and dov haller and plenty of other books...what books ad authors would you suggest? tysm!
Great post! And I completely relate to the drawing-a-blank feeling when asked to recommend a book. I feel like it requires an entire questionnaire; I need to know who you are, what books you like, what books you didn't like, your hopes, your dreams, your favorite food- and only then can I recommend the perfect book.
I like these recommendations, and the subject that the first question brought up is an interesting one--kids really could use a book on the topic I see that my book "Vacation X3" was mentioned, but as you point out, the subject of an overpowering personality isn't the whole focus.
For a book. more directly related to bullying--and which might appeal to the person who asked question 2 (books slightly off the beaten track for kids) and the question by Ellen Roteman in the comments section, I'd like to propose a newer book that I wrote, "6th Gade Conspiracies". It's a book about classroom bullying on the one hand, and talking classroom objects on the other hand. A cute and fantastic read, if I do say so myself.
Q2: My teen book Production! might fit the bill. It's contemporary fiction and not as angst-y as many books for teens. Nor does it have "heavy" issues.
And here's my question:
My 13-year-old granddaughter is an avid reader, and her greatest interest these days is Fantasy. Most books of this genre are filled with objectionable content. Any ideas for her? (She reads adult books as well as YA.)
hi i really enjoy books by the authors riva pomernatz,devorah weiner,esty heller and dov haller and plenty of other books...what books ad authors would you suggest? tysm!
Great post! And I completely relate to the drawing-a-blank feeling when asked to recommend a book. I feel like it requires an entire questionnaire; I need to know who you are, what books you like, what books you didn't like, your hopes, your dreams, your favorite food- and only then can I recommend the perfect book.
"What books you don't like" is always a good indicator :)
I like these recommendations, and the subject that the first question brought up is an interesting one--kids really could use a book on the topic I see that my book "Vacation X3" was mentioned, but as you point out, the subject of an overpowering personality isn't the whole focus.
For a book. more directly related to bullying--and which might appeal to the person who asked question 2 (books slightly off the beaten track for kids) and the question by Ellen Roteman in the comments section, I'd like to propose a newer book that I wrote, "6th Gade Conspiracies". It's a book about classroom bullying on the one hand, and talking classroom objects on the other hand. A cute and fantastic read, if I do say so myself.
Q2: My teen book Production! might fit the bill. It's contemporary fiction and not as angst-y as many books for teens. Nor does it have "heavy" issues.
And here's my question:
My 13-year-old granddaughter is an avid reader, and her greatest interest these days is Fantasy. Most books of this genre are filled with objectionable content. Any ideas for her? (She reads adult books as well as YA.)
This is GREAT, B'H! In Q4, there is just a little typo, as the biography is of Rabbi Noach Weinberg (not Weinberger).
Thanks for catching that!