We’ve reached the longest Friday nights of the year, which might be your only chance to read that extra-long novel in one sitting. This issue is about the longest frum books that have been published and their pace - ranked from 1 to 5, slowest to fastest. (At this length, look at pace as an indication of how dragged out they are...)
Fiction that almost made the cut -
** Eyewitness, Rachel Schorr - 557 pages
** Six Degrees, Reva Pomerantz - 552 pages
** Assassin (2), Yonah Sapir - 520 pages
** Deception (1), Libby Lazewnik - 514 pages
** Blackout, Yair Weinstock - 509 pages
Biographies are not the most common choice for a one-sitting read, but I had to mention these massive tomes:
** To Rise Above - 750 pages
** The Mashgiach, Rebbetzin Shulamit Ezrachi - 689 pages
** Rabbi Sherer, Yonoson Rosenblum - 680 pages